Arco academy provides a sports-focused alternative education for young people who are unable, for whatever reason to attend mainstream school.
Dream it Achieve it Campaign
DREAM IT – achieve it!’ was born due to the effects of Covid-19. Teaching remotely, we wanted help uplift students and the wider community.
We orchestrated a series of interactive interviews through our Instagram Live platform which was designed to stimulate, motivate and inspire through interviewing top sports men and women around the world!
We’ve had some amazing sports men and women who shared their inspiring journeys to success and the process/mindset behind their greatness.
Athletes included: Rio Ferdinand, Ato Bolton, Jordan Thomas, Melita Emanuel, Julius Francis, Eartha Bond, Jason Campbell, Ade Adepitan, Key Whyte & Christine Ouruogu.

See the full interviews of all the other athletes here: Dream it Achieve it
Monday Motivation
Monday motivations are a collection of digital assets that I created to be used on Arco Academy's Instagram account to be posted on a weekly basis. The post would feature inspirational quotes from athletes across the world.

Corona Virus Info Carousels
Instagram carousels are a great form of learning due to how engaging and to the point they are. I was able to produce custom Arco carousels targeted at parents and students to overcome the new challenges presented to them due to the pandemic.

Student Graduation/ Awards
During the summer of 2020 I was tasked with creating print and digital assets that would signify the achievements that the students of Arco had achieved. This included producing a positive affirmations picture frame for their personal keeping, certificates and digital Instagram assets for the Arco Academy page.

Arco Newsletter