About Me
Hi there, I'm Jonathan, and I'm a multi-disciplinary designer based in London.
I seek to produce work that pushes the boundaries whilst remaining succinct and innovative. I take a design thinking led approach when responding to briefs so that the end user/audience is always in mind throughout the creative process.
I have a range of hobbies which include boxing, photography, cooking and eating out (when we're allowed to again). As you go through my work you may come across some passion project centred around these interests. Through my variety of interest, it allows me to gain inspiration from different sources, allowing me to continue learning thus allowing me to create distinctive design projects.
The aim is to create a more open and better connected world through thought-provoking design.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-clarke-ezzidio-a96b15107/